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It is a contact number dedicated for whistleblowers to report illegal practices. The Conformity and Compliance Officer receives inbound calls on the contact number set for reporting illegal practices in efforts to ensure that reporting is done in an independent, professional and confidential manner. This is to ensure protection of the whistleblowers.
Likewise, this contact number can be used if a whistleblower desires to obtain further clarity about his/her protection measures.
Hotline: (22675231)
Conformity and Compliance Officer takes care of the email set for whistleblowers who wish to report illegal practices in efforts to ensure that reporting is done in an independent, professional and confidential manner. This is to ensure protection of the whistleblowers.
whistleblowers should use this email when they want to report: (Whistleblower.compliance@alsafatinvest.com). The report should be comprehensive containing all relevant documents and evidence that might be available.
Whether the whistleblower uses the hotline or email for reporting illegal practices, he/she will be given a code number, which can refer to the status of the reporting in the event of new information or developments arise.